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Fund your account

Cash-Out at Anytime

Understanding the money aspect of Dead Pool 420 is important.  The graphic on this page illustrates the relationship between your Wallet, your Player Account, and the Active Pool.


It's simple.  Fund your account. $55 is a good amount to start. This covers your one-time $35 entry and you will have $20 left in your account for Tributes or Swap fees.   At any time, you may request funds from your Player Account to be transferred back to you. 


When you first use the Selection Portal to claim Marks for your portfolio, $35 will be deducted from your Player Account and you will become an active Reaper! This fee helps fund the Active Pool.


Your mission as a Reaper is to collect monies from the Active Pool by winning Death Benefits.  Death Benefit money is deposited into your Player Account! 


Death Benefits are collected when one of the Marks in your portfolio has passed.  The Death Benefit is equal to 25% of whatever is in the Active Pool at the time. To replenish the pool, all other Reapers contribute a $10 Tribute to honor the person who has died and to protect the Marks in their portfolio.  This transfer between the Player Account and the Active Pool happens automatically after a Death Benefit is awarded.                 


Reapers cannot collect Death Benefits if the funds in their account are unable to cover the Tribute Fee.  We strongly recommend that you proactively keep funds in your Player Account to cover two or three Tributes.  


The good news is that when you win Death Benefits, your Account funds itself!   


The game continues with players collecting Death Benefits and offering Tributes.



Player Account

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Entry Fee: $35
Tributes: $10
Swap Fees: $5


Active Pool

All the fees collected throughout the game go directly into the Active Pool, less ten percent for operating expenses. 


Win or lose... have fun, be graceful, and above all, respect those who lost their lives.

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