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Dead Pool 420


Rules of the Game 

Welcome to Dead Pool 420


Our pool is designed to honor those souls who pass into a new dimension while allowing our players to earn Death Benefits.  "You Cash In... When They Cash Out."  Please spend a few minutes reading the rules to get a clear vision of how to play.  If you have any questions, let us know.


Dead Pool 420 participants are referred to as "Reapers."  Active Reapers compete with other players in a pool to earn Death Benefits in the form of cold hard cash.  To become an active Reaper, a one-time $35 entry fee is submitted.  Entry fees fund the "Active Pool."


Death Benefits
A Death Benefit is paid to the active Reaper who has selected a notable person (known as a "Mark") who has passed away. The Death Benefit is equal to 25% of the monies in the Active Pool at the time when the death has occurred and has been identified. 


Identifying the Passing of a Mark

The admins will make every effort to note the passing of a Mark by following major news sources and using Apps that report the passing of notable people.  However, a more obscure Mark may pass into eternal darkness without being identified quickly by an Admin.  To ensure that you receive your Death Benefit quickly, please notify us if you identify the passing of one of your Marks. 


Death Benefits are distributed in the order that deaths are identified, not occurred.  If a Death Benefit is paid to a person whose Mark passed after yours did, you will simply collect the next Death Benefit. 


You may wish to set up Google Alerts based on your Mark's name or use an App such as:

Who Has Died Recently? Celebrity & Notable Deaths


The Active Pool
The Active Pool is a collection of money that all players contribute to.  All funds collected throughout the game are immediately deposited into the Active Pool, less 10% for operational expenses.  All monies in the Active Pool will be awarded to our players over time.  Monies added to the Active Pool include Entry Fees, Tributes, Swapping Fees, and Bids.  Show me the Money Chart!


When a participant becomes a Reaper, they have the opportunity to select their Marks. Marks are notable people that a Reaper predicts may pass away in the near future.  Each Reaper must maintain a minimum of six Marks in their "Reaper Portfolio" to be eligible to win a Death Benefit. There is no limit to the number of Marks they may protect, as long as the combined ages of the Marks fall under 420 years. This is known as the "Age Cap."


Reaper's Portfolio

The Reaper's Portfolio is simply the list of Marks that a Reaper has selected and is currently protecting.  


Age Cap
During the selection process, a Reaper is provided an Age Cap of 420 years.  Each selected Mark must fall within the age range of 25-96. For example, if the Reaper picks six Marks, the average age of the Mark is 70.  ( 6 x 70 = 420 ). Selecting seven Marks would drop the average age of the Mark to 60. ( 7 x 60 = 420 ).  Reapers decide how to manage their Marks within the Age Cap of 420 years.


Age Lock             

Once a Mark has been selected and added to a Reaper's portfolio, the Mark's age no longer increases (for the purpose of the Age Cap).  For example, if a Mark is selected who is 70 years of age, it counts toward the Age Cap as 70 years for as long as the Mark has been continuously protected, no matter how many years he/she has aged.  The exception is if a Mark has a 97th birthday. 


Once a Mark has reached their 97th birthday, their status changes to "Immortal".  These notable people can no longer provide Death Benefits. These people may no longer be selected as Marks, and if a Reaper has one in his/her portfolio, they must be replaced. The Reaper will then select a new Mark.


Anytime a Mark is selected they must pass through a 14-day quarantine period known as passing through "Purgatory." During Purgatory, if a Mark passes away, no Death Benefits are paid. This rule is in place for all new Marks entering a pool. (new player selections and swapped Marks).  Once a Mark passes through this 14-day window, they become active and may provide Death Benefits to the Reaper.  


Passing of a Mark (Soul)
If an active Mark passes away after Purgatory, a Death Benefit is paid to the Reaper who had him or her in their portfolio. At this time, all other active players are required to pay a "Tribute" of $10 to honor the dead and to keep their portfolio of Marks active. The Reaper who has collected the Death Benefit does not pay the Tribute Fee.  A Mark that passes away is referred to as a "Soul." Souls are recorded on the "Wall of Souls" on our STATS page.  A Mark is selected to replace the new Soul.  This new Mark becomes active after moving through Purgatory.  The game continues until another Mark passes, and the process repeats.


Tributes (Honoring the Departed)    
After a Death Benefit is paid, the active pool is reduced by 25%. To build back the pool, a $10 Tribute Fee is automatically transferred from each Reaper's "Player Account" into the Active Pool. (Excluding the Reaper who collected the Death Benefit.)   This process replenishes the Active Pool, ensuring a lucrative Death Benefit for the next Reaper to collect.  


If a Reaper has no funds remaining in his/her Player Account to cover the Tribute, he/she must fund the account or leave the game. His/her Marks would be removed from their portfolio and placed on "Waivers" for other players to claim.  The player relinquishes protection of all Marks in their portfolio and any claim to funds in the Active Pool.  Any monies left in their Player Account will be refunded to them at this point. 


Player Accounts
Each player will enter the game by funding their account. The account must start with enough funds to cover the $35 entry and two or three $10 Tributes.  Having adequate funds in the Player Account provides the Reaper with uninterrupted opportunities to score Death Benefits from the Active Pool.   


A Reaper's status automatically moves to "Inactive" if he/she does not have adequate funds to cover the Tribute. He/she becomes "Active" again when their Player Account is funded and the past-due Tribute is transferred to the Active Pool.  If a Mark passes while a Reaper is "Inactive," the  Reaper loses the opportunity to collect the Death Benefit.  Note: Admins do not monitor Player Accounts to ensure they are properly funded.


When Death Benefits are awarded, funds from the Active Pool are automatically transferred into the Player's Account.  Players may request a transfer of funds from their Player Accounts at any time.  


A player may have more than one Portfolio comprised of the 420 Age Cap in a single account.  Each portfolio requires a unique Reaper Nickname, and separate entry and Tribute Fees.  Examples:  A couple can share a single account, or a player may choose to play two or more portfolios.


Reaper Status
A Reaper's status is "Active" when the entry fee is paid and all Tribute Fees are current.  A Reaper's status is "Inactive" if a Tribute can not be covered.  After 30 days of becoming inactive, the Reaper's Marks lose protection and are released.  At this point, the player is no longer in the pool.  To reenter, they must pay the Tribute that was due during their active status and a $15 re-entry fee. ($25 Total).  They would then select new Marks.  


Swapping Marks
Once a Mark is selected, they are protected in the Reaper's portfolio. Reapers may, however, drop Marks from their portfolio and add someone new.  For each new Mark selected, they pay a $5 Swapping Fee. The new Mark must pass through Purgatory before being eligible to collect a Death Benefit.   There is no fee for swapping Marks during Purgatory.


Claiming an Abandoned Portfolio

 A Reaper, after 30 days of inactivity, for failure to pay a Tribute, forfeits their portfolio of Marks. This portfolio is then considered "Abandoned."  This abandoned portfolio may now be claimed by any active player, simply by paying the outstanding Tribute Fee of $10.   The portfolio is then transferred into the player's account. Once claimed, the player must change the Reaper name. They may change avatar and make $5 swaps if they choose.   Only the Marks are transferred.  Any Souls or Death Benefits earned are not transferred. 


The claiming period runs for three days. If two or more players stake a claim to an abandoned portfolio, they may bid for it.  Bidding starts at $10 and goes up in $1 increments.  Bidding fees (like all fees) go into the Active Pool.


If no one claims an abandoned portfolio, the Reaper and portfolio are cremated and the Marks released.


Eligible Marks
To be eligible to become a Mark, the notable person must be between the ages of 25 and 96 and be "Noteworthy." To determine if they are noteworthy, they must be found on which includes a listing of over 200,000 people. The directory is a good resource for Reapers, and can also be used to find the DOB of the Mark that they are considering.   Death Row inmates are not permitted.  All Marks are subject to Admin approval. 


The Selection Portal
Reapers may select Marks within the established parameters as long as no other Reaper has them protected on their portfolio. To select a Mark, Reapers use the "Selection Portal".  In the portal, the player copies and pastes the URL and the DOB of the Mark they wish to add.  If eligible, the Mark is placed in the Reapers portfolio and the age of the Mark is deducted from their available Age Cap. If the Mark has been previously selected, an error message is generated.  If the selection places the player over the Age Cap, an error message is generated. If the portfolio submitted has less than six Marks listed, an error message is generated.


The Grim Reaper GRID
Once a Reaper locks his/her Marks,  they are given access to the Grim Reaper GRID.  The GRID shows all Reapers' information including their Status, Nickname, Portfolio,  Collected Souls, and Death Benefits earned. In addition, The Grid displays the amount of money in the Active Pool in real-time. 


Players will also have access to a Stats page showcasing Death Benefits awarded, Souls, and other key statistics.


Reaper Nicknames
Players may play one or more portfolios of Marks, each with an Age Cap of 420 years.  Each portfolio requires separate fees to be paid.  Each portfolio requires a Reaper Nickname. (Under 15 Characters).  Multiple portfolios (and Nicknames) may be kept under one player account.


New Players

To build the Active Pool, we encourage the addition of new players! New players may enter at any time.  To add family and friends to the pool, simply have them:


A: Create an Account

B: Select a Reaper Name and Avatar

C: Select Marks using the Selection Portal. 

D: Fund their account: $55 recommended 



Deal Pool 420 is a Beta Site

As the pool evolves, the admins have the right to make changes to the pool that we feel are in the best interest of all of the players.  The objective is to keep the pool fair, interesting, and dynamic while offering some great opportunities to  "Cash-In".  To help facilitate any future modifications, we encourage and welcome ideas and feedback from all of our Reapers.


Ending the Pool
Reapers may leave the game at any time, or stay in the contest for as long as the pool runs.  In the event that the pool is closed by the administrators, all monies in "Player Accounts" will be returned immediately.  New players will no longer be accepted nor will Tribute Fees be collected.  Swapping Marks will cease to be an option.   


The amount of money in the Active Pool will be frozen. The next four Reapers who have winning Marks will each take 25% of the Active Pool, depleting it of funds.  


Getting Started

The "Selection Portal" opened on March 15, 2022, at 4:20 PM ET.   All new players are welcome. Please click LOGIN on the Home page to create your account and jump in the pool.


Register Your Reaper Name Now






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